West Volusia Family and Sports Medicine is your family practice for your primary care, women’s health and sports medicine needs in DeLand, FL. For the convenience of our DeBary, Deltona and Orange City, FL patients we can now treat you at our second location at 2884 Wellness Avenue in Orange City.
Rather than making appointments and visiting several different doctors in different locations, our physicians treat your entire family under the same roof. Centralizing your family care allows our board-certified family medicine physician to provide more personalized attention because the medical history for all family members is more readily accessible. So, if one family member is experiencing symptoms for the cold or flu, we can also provide care for other family members to help them stay well, especially if they have chronic issues or are at a higher risk. So, whether you need annual physicals for school, urgent care for a sports injury, or any other type of health issue, your family doctor will provide the highest quality of care.
Sports activities are popular for adults and students of all ages. Regardless of the type of sport, there is always a chance of injury either on the field or off. Our physician is board-certified in Sports Medicine and takes the time to get to know his patients. Whether you have a sprained ankle or are experiencing chronic back pain, you will receive the best possible care using the most advanced treatments for both non-surgical orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries. We also provide physical therapy to help recover from your injury. Your sports medicine physician will also give you some tips on preventing many sports-related injuries.
From wellness visits and annual checkups to disease management and sports medicine, we’re the family practice that provides personalized care for your entire family. Visit our website or call (386) 774-0016 to schedule an appointment at our DeLand or Orange City, FL, location today.